2022-2024 CATALOG
The Health Careers Catalog is a tool designed to spark the interest of students, young professionals and others who may have an interest in health care careers. The catalog provides background information, school preparation, average salary, among other resources.

Find A Career That You Love
Browse the list of careers, noting which ones seem interesting to you.
- Clinical Laboratory Science
- Counseling
- Dentistry
- Health Administration, Information, & Communication
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
- Public Health & Nutrition
- Radiologic Technology
- Science, Engineering, & Diagnostic Instrumentation
- Therapy
- Veterinary Medicine
- Vision
- Other Health Care Careers
Compare cost, income, and education requirements through Student Choice.
Contact a college or training facility to learn more about pursuing a health career.
Virginia Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
- Blue Ridge Region AHEC – Shenandoah Valley
- Capital Region AHEC – Richmond Metro and surrounding areas
- Eastern Virginia Region AHEC – Southeast Virginia and Peninsula
- Northern Virginia Region AHEC – Northern Virginia
- Rappahannock Region AHEC – Northern Neck, Fredericksburg, and Middle Peninsula
- South Central Region AHEC – Lynchburg, Danville, and surrounding area
- Southside Region AHEC – South of Richmond
- Southwest Virginia Region AHEC – Roanoke Valley and West
Get connected to your
AHEC for assistance